Sunday, December 24, 2006

OLD BLOG: Christmas (abridged)

December 24, 2006 

I don't believe in Christmas. I don't even believe in X-mas. The other night I heard somebody call it "Claus-mas". I don't believe in that either.
I'm not a religious person, so I don't really buy into that part of it.
Supposedly, if the bible account is accurate (and by the way there seem to be 2 conflicting Jesus-birth stories, which were probably added later) Jesus couldn't have been born on December 25th. It has something to do with the weather and the shepherds. I'm no expert. It's just something I read or heard somewhere. Also, the Catholic church put Christmas in late December to coincide with existing pagan winter holidays. They couldn't get the people they were converting to give up their traditions holidays, so they made up new ones to replace them.
As for X-mas... (I mean the secular part, even though the "X" in X-mas wasn't originally meant to "take Christ out of Christmas". It was a symbol for “Christ”.) As for X-mas, it's all a bunch of greedy corporate types trying to milk us for even more money than usual so they can show a bigger profit at the end of the year. It's especially bad with kids. I include in "kids" older people who still have to have the latest whatever: DVD, or game console, or gadget, etc.
Amy (my ex) says that I've “excused myself” from the usual holiday obligations that everyone else feels. That's a great way of putting it. I don't send cards or buy gifts (usually). I don't have any special plans. I may watch "It's a Wonderful Life". I may dig that old cheap Santa hat and wear it around the house part of the day...just the hat. I guess that's my perverse way of saying I'm not doing the "normal" Christmas thing. I may listen to some of Handel's "Messiah". I may do none of those things.
As for "Claus-mas", well, I think Santa as we know him was pretty much invented by Coca-Cola (and Clement Clarke Moore--look him up). I don't believe in Coke.

Later: human after all
So if you know me (and since you're reading this I assume you do) you wouldn't describe me as sentimental. I wouldn't either. And if you know me very well (which you may not) you know that I'm not really into holidays and tradition for the sake of tradition.
There is a "holiday classic" that I love. I watch it every year. I own a copy. And no, I don't mean "Emmett Otter's Jug-Band Christmas" although that one’s nice too. "It's a Wonderful Life", or I guess I should say it's "It's a Wonderful Life". You know, George Bailey, Clarence the Angel, Mr. Potter, the whole bit. You may think it's cheesy, and I don't necessarily disagree, but I love it.
So I'm watching it tonight. Yes, it's after Christmas, but I don't care. I don't think it's necessarily a Christmas movie. It's not about Christmas. It's about this guy getting a chance to really look at his life in an unusual way. And he gets a second chance to appreciate what he has.
Anyway, I'm going to get back to the movie now. I stopped it to write this blog. And here's the reason I'm writing this, and the reason for the title:
I'm only about 12 minutes or so into the movie, and it's already gotten to me. I've already had this welling up of emotion. 12 minutes. Who knows how many more times it will happen as I watch this tonight? I may even shed tears. So I guess I'm human after all, not just a scroogey, grinchy, bastard with no feelings.