September 05, 2008
Hey guys, here's a fun little story for you:
Some of you may be aware of my tendency to be naked. It's "liberating". (Okay, that's just rhetoric.) But I have come to be comfortable this way. AND it's economical, when the weather is warm enough. If you're not wearing any clothes during the summer, you don't have to run the air conditioning as high, thereby saving money and electricity, and thereby saving the earth. Plus, if you're not wearing clothes all day, you probably don't have to wash them quite as often. Maybe that's not a big difference, but when it comes to saving the earth, every little bit helps, right?
I am currently staying in a theatre’s actor housing. The summer season is over, and I've been the only person here the past week-and-a-half since the last show closed. I have my own bathroom and kitchenette in my room, but I've been keeping ice cream in one of the freezers downstairs in the big kitchen, 'cause the little freezer in my room just doesn't keep it ice creamy. And I go down there to get ice in the evenings, when I'm drinking to keep the voices quiet. (Just kidding—about the voices.)
I've been naked pretty much all summer here in my room. Well, last week I figured since nobody else was here and I'd only be down there for a minute or 2 at a time, I'd just go on down without putting anything on. No big deal, right? And over the weekend I did the same during the day 'cause, again, no one would see me.
This past Monday morning I decided to do a load of laundry, and I didn't put anything on. Since it was Labor Day, I figured the woman who comes in to clean wouldn't be here. Well, I was wrong. She was just sitting in front of the elevator where I happened to walk by. I stopped and apologized and said I didn't realize anyone was here and went and put on some pants. I apologized again when I went by with pants on. She didn't seem upset or traumatized. I think she must have thought everyone was gone too, because she seemed startled more than anything.
I guess I should make sure exactly when the next cast gets here. I mean, I don't have a problem with people seeing me naked. But I realize some people may have a problem with it. I just don't want to accidentally flash a whole cast full of strangers. That's not the best way to start off their experience at a new theatre, right?