Friday, September 3, 2010

saving the world...or not

I just had a thought about saving the world and not saving the world.
Right-wing Christian fundamentalist types, who believe in the “literal word of the bible” (or it’s standard traditional interpretation) and all that jazz, have no incentive to reduce/reuse/recycle or reduce carbon emissions or conserve non-renewable resources or develop alternative energy sources or anything else that might allow life to continue on this planet. Nor have they any incentive to strive for peace among nations or any of the things that I would imagine a “reasonable” person to want in regard to sustaining life on this planet.
They’re too busy looking forward to the rapture, because they know it’s gonna happen in our time. So why should they bother? In fact, maybe they should do anything they can to hurry it along so they can all party in paradise with the Jesus…and the 72 virgins.
Wait, am I mixing my religions?


  1. You're assuming a lot aren't you? Do you really know that the Christian community does not try to keep peace or recycle? I say you need to be in bed at 2:58a.m. and not be blogging such nonsense.

  2. Well, anonymous, I'm not saying that Christians don't or can't recycle or hope for peace. I'm saying that if one expects the earth to be destroyed SOON and, in fact, looks forward to this destruction then one has little incentive to try to save the earth.

    By the way, I also think that for some there's a degree of voyeuristic excitement and pleasure in all the talk about destruction and punishment of non-believers.

    These aren't new ideas for me, but this post was sparked by my recently viewing a documentary called "Waiting for Armageddon".

  3. Perhaps you should stop watching the documentaries and watch for His appearing. It seems to me that those watching for Armageddon are not knowledgeable of Biblical prophecy. Read the book!
    RE: recycling We are all in this together. Let's take care of what we have been given.

  4. You can learn interesting new things about people and the world by watching documentaries and reading a variety of books with a variety of points of view.
    I'm not going to "watch for His appearing" any more than I'm going to try to extinguish all desires and material attachments to achieve nirvana.

    But, yes, let's take care of the world.

