So I lay in bed for what seemed like hours last night half-asleep and half-awake dreaming/thinking about a couple of measures on a single page of music from my Guys & Dolls score—a page and measures which don’t actually exist. I was in rehearsal, but we couldn’t get started. I kept looking at the spot where we were supposed to be starting. It was a tricky spot, and we really needed to work on it, but we never did. It was torture. If I was asleep, I knew it was a dream, and if I was awake, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Then I think I was asleep later, because I had what definitely seemed like a dream. (But I was also aware of it being a dream.) I was on a team in a sort of conflict/competition—something like paintball, but it wasn’t actually paintball, just a war or battle simulation or something. It was outside, like paintball probably would be. It felt real—not the dream, but the fighting in the dream.
That morphed into another half-asleep/half-awake thing. My group was planning an attack—I guess you’d have to call it a rebel terrorist attack—against the evil tyrannical government. It involved bombs and guns and unspecified public places. Then the public places turned into a school during a reunion. I guess it was high school, I’m not sure. The attack either failed or was discovered or something and I was trying to escape when I saw 2 friends from college: Tony & Debbie Harne, whom I haven’t talked to in 3 or 4 years. Debbie kept trying to talk to me and find out why I needed to escape. Finally I stole one of those trucks with the huge wheels—not quite “monster” truck-sized, but pretty big.
The escaping morphed into me, as an adult (I think) trying to leave from the house I lived in during high school. My younger brother, who was sort of also my older brother, had just got married that day. I was planning some big escape. Okay, actually I don’t think I was planning very well. It may’ve just been a continuation of the previous escaping dream/fantasy (still not sure if I was asleep or awake or somewhere in between). It was the middle of the night or early morning, and I was in my old room gathering stuff I thought I might need. I kept trying to put on this really weird oriental costume, and sneaked into my brothers’ room to pilfer stuff. And I still had the big truck—stashed somewhere, I suppose—because I kept thinking about how to drive it and not look suspicious.
Eventually—around 7:30?—I definitely woke up and wondered what that was all about. And tried to go back to sleep, but my brain wasn’t having it. So now, I’m really tired, which sucks ‘cause this is a busy day: lessons and coachings from 11-5, with a couple of half-hour slots free, and then Guys & Dolls music rehearsal in Burlington 7-10. I’ll do a little work a few principals and then most of the time with everyone on “Sit Down You’re Rockin’ the Boat” and the finale.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention...I originally went into my brother's room not to pilfer but because there was a fire starting there, from candles that he & his new wife had left burning.