So, lately I’ve had several people, in commenting to me about the blog, use the word “impressive”. And in conversing either they explicitly said or I got the distinct impression that they were talking about the size of my penis. There’ve been others in the last several months who said the same thing.
Honestly, I just don’t get it. I’ve never thought of myself as physically impressive. Not my penis or any other part of me.
I’m certainly not tall. If I’m in a room full of men, chances are most of them are taller than me or at least the same height. I’m probably on the lower end of “normal” or average. I think average U.S. male height is about 5’9” or so. I’m 5’7”(ish) barefoot.
Average U.S. male weight is about 190 lbs. I’m maybe 150-something. I don’t have a scale at home.
So I’m not tiny, but I’m smaller guy.
Interestingly, women who are larger may have this whole body image problem arise from society’s teaching them that women are supposed to look a certain way, be a certain size. Well, I think men who are smaller have a similar problem—especially as adolescents—in that society also teaches that men are supposed to be big and strong and muscular.
Anyway...I’m also on the smaller end of average in penis size. While I haven’t spent tons of time in locker rooms or communal showers, and I’ve never been to a nudist resort or beach, I’ve seen a few penises in real life. And there are tons of them online. The average penis size is something 5-6 inches erect (3.5 inches when flaccid). I am... small but “normal”. (I suppose if you really want to know those measurements, you can ask.)
So, what is the deal with these people all finding my penis “impressive”? If you look at all at porn with penises (i.e., not just nude women) you’ll find much larger and thicker penises than mine.
I’m not upset about it—my penis size. It’s fine. It is what it is. I’m much more concerned that eventually my penis won’t “work” as well or at all. You know, sexually. And that I have wasted and continue to waste many of the good years not using least not with anyone else.
(Sigh.) Oh well.
Actually, I rather like my penis—the way it looks.
I have a friend who, when I asked for feedback on my blog, said that I have a nice penis. It wasn’t what I was expecting or even the sort of feedback I was looking for, but it was great to hear. Of course, I’m used to the way it looks, as I’ve lived with it all my life. But I’ve seen some unattractive penises out there in porn-land: scary, aggressive-looking or oddly shaped penises. Maybe that’ll be a blog entry sometime: different penis “personalities”.
I have posted some pictures on the blog where I’m (yes, I’ll say it) erect. Hopefully, those aren’t too porn-ish. I don’t want this blog to be porn-ish. I don’t really have a problem with (most) porn. But that’s not what I’m doing.
There was a recent entry which was mostly erect or semi-erect penis pics. I assume that entry prompted the recent “impressive” comments. Now, I haven’t spent a ton of time with penises other than my own and certainly not erect ones, so I don’t know what my viewers are comparing me to. But when I look at those pictures I see a penis which isn’t really that big. I can’t help but wonder if maybe it’s the lighting or the angle or a background/foreground issue that makes these folks (or you folks, if you’re one of them) have that impression. OR, maybe they (you) are focusing mostly on just the penis and not really picking up on size/scale clues.
Perhaps they want to say something, but don’t know what to say. They want to be complimentary, say something nice because they like the blog. But they’re just not accustomed to having a conversation about someone being naked. How often do most people have conversations about being naked?
(If you’re one of the folks I’m talking about, feel free to chime in. Or if you’re not, feel free as well.)
Maybe there’s some other psychological thing involved. Perhaps the fact that these people at least sort of know me makes it more shocking to see these pictures of me naked than it would to see a stranger.
Wow! I know him! And he’s naked! There’s his penis...and it’s still there. Yep, right out in the open. Not hidden or obscured. Oh! And there’s a picture that’s just his penis... Penis. Penis! PENIS! AAAAHHH!
So maybe the psychological impact is greater because they (you) know me. And the penis seems bigger in the brain than on the page (or in real life).
The way we perceive external stimuli can be greatly influenced by stuff going on inside our head. There may be things we thought we saw or heard, etc, but which didn’t actually happen that way. And there may be things that we saw, heard, experienced, whatever, but which for various reasons we are unable to handle; so our brains put it elsewhere and we don’t remember. Or, there may even be a situation where we experience something so far out of our point of reference—something that seems impossible to our brain—that it either doesn’t exist for us or we turn it into something else that makes sense.
So if those things can happen, then I, having studied psychology (some), am inclined to believe that something psychological is happening when someone views my blog and thinks my penis is “impressive”.