The past two days I’ve found myself walking behind two lumbering idiots. Well four, actually: two pairs. It was along the same stretch of about 4 blocks near school.
In both cases it was a pair of white guys who, it seems, were babbling some English-like conversation. But for some reason I couldn’t understand most of what they were saying. And I was pretty-much right behind them—close enough to hear their conversation. I understood occasional words or phrases, and the speed and rhythms sounded like English. But the placement of the sound was odd. Maybe pre-nasal, or post-nasal—not sure.
I thought it was really odd that I’d have two such similar experiences in two days. And I’ve had no unusual trouble understanding anyone else lately.
All four of these guys did look like big, dumb guys. The second pair, this afternoon’s pair, were giants. Both were I’d say well over 6 feet tall. And they seemed to have stupidity just beaming from their faces.
Actually, that’s true of a lot of guys I’ve noticed the past few days. They look really stupid. Or really arrogant. Or both. The ladies don’t look stupid or arrogant—well, some do, of course. Mostly I’ve been noticing in women how many different ways of being beautiful there are: an interesting jawline or nose or many ways.
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