So, I’ve noticed the past month or so the way I’ve been sitting. I wrote about this a while back. But I’ve noticed more and more that I’m sitting with my legs more open. I know that partly I’ve been sitting at my keyboard, and the stand it sits on it’s not really conducive to sitting with my legs together. And also the way my computer is set up at home isn’t so conducive either. Although I still feel like I’m not the guy with my legs aggressively spread apart, I wonder if my seated attitude has changed.
(I may’ve written about this more as well, or at least mentioned it to people when discussing the blog.) I’m absolutely certain that this blog has contributed to an increase in my confidence about my body. It’s not that I felt unconfident before or had any significant issues about my body. But having all these pictures online, and having people compliment how the pictures look and how I look—these things have maybe built up my ego a little. I hope that’s a good thing.
Perhaps I’ve also developed a little more awareness of my penis while I’m dressed.
Not long ago I met a young woman who knows several people I know, some of whom are aware of my blog. Well, in chatting with her, she made some reference about hearing how I am. I don’t remember the exact context, but I thought she might be referring to my blog. I didn’t ask, ‘cause I didn’t want to bring up any awkwardness if that’s not what she was referring to.
Also, I feel like there are a few other acquaintances—again, who know people who are aware of the blog—that I’ve noticed looking at me more or differently. And I’m not sure if they’re looking at me differently now because they’ve heard about, or seen, the blog, or if it’s something else. If I feel more confident about my body, that probably comes off somehow. And confidence is attractive.
Well, this has become a bit of a ramble. My point was...sitting. I sitting differently? Or am I just more aware?
Also, do people I’m only sort of acquainted with know about the blog? Is that a good or bad thing?
Do I come off any differently now, and does that actually affect how people respond to me?
Or is it all just my imagination?
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