I woke up in the middle of the night last night, or this morning, I guess...
I don’t know what time. Usually, if I wake up in the middle of the night, I look to see what time it is; then I can think “Ug, it’s whatever o’clock! Why am I awake?”
But this time I didn’t look. I think I was just really deeply asleep and woke up suddenly, which is not the usual way for me. But I woke up with what I assume was acid reflux. There was a little tiny bit of bitter liquid in the back of my mouth. I swallowed it, reflexively, I guess. But this awful taste stayed in my whole mouth. I tried drinking a little water…no help. So I got up, went to the bathroom, and coughed and spit and rinsed, etc. I did that for maybe 5 minutes. IT got a tiny bit better, but not much. I actually felt like maybe I should try to vomit. I didn’t vomit. And I didn’t “try” to.
(I never “try” to vomit. I’ve never made myself vomit. If it happens, it happens.)
Well, when I went back to bed, had a difficult time getting back to sleep. Usually when I wake up in the night, it’s hard to get back to sleep, because my mind is awake. My body is usually tired, but not my brain. But last night, it was the opposite. My brain felt quite tired—I think it was because of having suddenly woken up—but various parts of my body felt awake, energized, as if they had something to do. I don’t mean like restless leg syndrome. But my arm or shoulder or feet or hip or whatever would suddenly feel like it was awake, while the rest of my body was tired. So it couldn’t get comfortable. Then a different part would feel that way.
I have no idea how long this went on, but it seemed a long time. I was dreadful, like a new kind of torture. I’d sort of gotten used to the normal kind of lying in bed awake. I hate it, but I at least know what to expect. But this new thing last night was really annoying.