Wednesday, November 20, 2013

dreaming of the beautiful cashier

I haven’t slept very well the past few nights. I usually don’t sleep well when I’m someplace new. I’m staying with a friend in Harlem this week while I’m in NYC for a cabaret. There are lots of different sounds here, much more and louder than what I’m used to in my apartment in North Carolina.

I think slept pretty well the first few hours last night. I had a couple of dreams. I don’t recall any details of the first one at all, though I have this vague sense that it was something to do with dating or sex or something like that. I woke up briefly after dream #1, but went back to sleep.

In the second dream I was unwillingly looking after someone’s child—a little boy about 8(?) years old. I didn’t really know him nor his parents. The reason I was looking after him was in the dream, but I can’t remember it now. I do remember that he was a total brat.

I took him to some store, but left him out in the car. I was going to run in for just a few minutes to get a bottle of Jameson whiskey. The store was something like a drug store, or maybe even a smallish department store. It was not a liquor store. And it was definitely not the real-life grocery store where I normally shop. But the beautiful cashier I see at that grocery store was working there. She was stocking shelves or something right next to where the alcohol was. Or maybe where it ought to have been; they may not have had any alcohol. Anyway, she asked if she could help me; I told her I was looking for Jameson, and she said they didn’t have any.

I left the store in a bit of a huff and a bit of a hurry. This beautiful cashier from the grocery store where I normally shop had apparently been trying to talk to me as I was leaving. But I hadn’t heard her. She followed me outside. It was as if instead of me seeing herfrom time to time and sort of wanting to talk to her or ask her out but never doing it, she had been seeing me from time to time and wanting to talk to me or ask me out but never did it, until right then. But I was in a hurry and couldn’t really stop to chat. I had to get the bratty child back to wherever he (or we-?) were supposed to be.

So, I was going to give her my card and she could call me or text or email. But for some reason I didn’t have my business cards with me, I had some other weird card that wasn’t mine and looked really cheap, printed on regular paper. I dropped those “cards”, and they scattered on the ground. I tried to pick them up, but the beautiful cashier’s boss came out to yell at her for leaving the store when she was supposed to be working. Then the boss was yelling at me for distracting her worker and for “throwing” my business cards on the grounds, and then she started mocking me for having cheap, ugly business cards. And then she realized that I was there with this bratty kid and thought it was horrible that I left the kid out in the car. The whole time the beautiful cashier was sympathetic toward my plight and even apologetic about the yelling boss, though she did seem bothered by the kid I left in the parked car.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Well, that’s the dream. It just sort of stopped there. As many dreams, it had no real conclusion. I think I may’ve woken up, which ended the dream. I’ve never dreamed about the beautiful cashier from the grocery store where I normally shop, or not that I recall. I’ve mentioned her in a few facebook statuses.

Sometime not long after that dream I woke up. Then I slept fitfully off and on the rest of the night…well, morning. It was around 2am when dream #2 ended. 

I can’t help thinking how awesome it would be if the beautiful cashier expressed some clear interest in talking to me. As it is, I don’t think I’ll ever really pursue her. The concept of her I have in my mind is this unrealistic beautiful “thing”. And while I’m not actively imaging her personality more than the general sort of friendliness she (sometimes) displays as a cashier, I have little doubt that if I got to know her, I’d probably find who she really is to not fit with “the beautiful cashier” somehow. 

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