Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eat, Sleep, Play

3 things I’m not doing as much as I probably should be.

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Not sleeping enough isn’t a new thing. I’ve had trouble sleeping off and on for 5 years or so...maybe more? The latest twist to my sleeping, in the last several years, is that I usually wake up in the mornings at maybe 7 or 8 or9 and don’t really have much luck getting any restful sleep after that. No matter when I go to bed, that tends to happen.
That is, except when I stay up all night. That never really happened until the last few years. Well, there was 1 summer in high school when I got into a cycle of sleeping most of the day and staying up all night.
But now I’ll sometimes just not go to bed at all, or maybe around 4 or 5am for about 4 or 5 hours of sleep. Either way I’m just tired all the next day.

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Not playing enough has gone on for about 3 or 4 years. I’ve been underemployed for that long.
Also, I haven’t been “playing” outside much, if at all, for a bit. I do walk to school, but, as I’m underemployed, that’s only 3 days a week. Unless I’m running late and end up drining.
Sadly, no bedroom play either. That’s pretty-much since Amy & I broke up 6(?) years ago. Sicne then, the 1 woman who I REALLY wanted to be with, couldn’t/wouldn’t...shouldn’t?

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But not eating enough is new. I think it’s only been a couple of weeks.
I was doing a show in the Winston-Salem and had to leave around the time when I’d normally just start to think about dinner. I often wouldn’t eat dinner at that point, but later. So, there were nights when dinner was a little fruit or a granola bar & a “vitamin water”. And then maybe popcorn or a little something else when I got home late.
Also, sometimes I just don’t eat breakfast at all, just coffee. Or, I’ll eat breakfast around 11, then no lunch, or late lunch & no dinner.
And now I’m feeling tired and as if I should eat. There’s a kind of empty-stomach feeling. But I often don’t feel like eating, or when I do eat, I can’t eat as much as I normally do. I’m not on a “diet” but it’s possible I’ve lost a few pounds. I’ve got a few spare pounds I could lose, but not much.
I wonder if I could get my sleep schedule back to something reasonable, then maybe I’d be able to start eating regularly again as well.  I should definitely work on that.

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And the play-thing. Yeah, I definitely need some play.

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