Wednesday, November 23, 2011

pizza box

Domino’s pizza box lids piss me off lately.

We’re not Artisans...we’re just people who make something of supposedly high quality, by hand and using traditional methods...and who don’t know what “artisan” means.
ar·ti·san  /ˈɑrDescription:ən/    noun
1.  a person in an applied art; a craftsperson.2.  a person or company that makes a high-quality, distinctive product in small quantities, usually by hand and using traditional methods:
food artisan(from
What bothers me is that it seems to be playing to that whole we're stupid and proud of it” mentality, which I hate. To acknowledge your ignorance may be admirable, but to run it up a pole and salute it is just contrary to everything I believe about information and knowledge and understanding.

There was another Domino’s box a while back that bothered me. “Pizzas rush in where burgers fear to tread.”

It’s part of their pizza proverbs “campaign”. Instead of paying someone to come up with a clever slogan, they’ve asked customers to submit “proverbs”. Well that particular one is iffy, I think.
The proverb it's based on is "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." So basically, they're saying pizza is foolish and hamburgers are angelic.

Oh yeah, there’s also this, from the pizza I got a few days ago:

It’s supposed to have the store manager’s signature there.
It doesn’t.
It’s supposed to show that they’re really taking responsibility for the quality, etc.
I guess they’re not.

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