Thursday, October 24, 2013

dream therapy

I dreamed last night that I was taking some kind of class—like an adult continuing education/community program sort of thing. I’ve no idea what the subject was. I arrived very early, before anyone else was there, early morning I think. But, for some reason I had to leave, and when I returned I was late arriving. All the other students and the teacher were there and the class had begun.

I also dreamed I went to see a therapist. I think it was the therapist I’d seen before (in real life) long ago—20 years. I also arrived there very early. The therapist’s office was actually a house. She didn’t live there, but it was fully furnished as a house would be. So, while waiting, I decided to shave my head and beard. That didn’t go especially well, as I was using a rechargeable trimmer that was running out of power. (That bit is probably because I plugged in my own rechargeable hair/beard trimmer just before I went to bed last night.) I also took a shower, and some other patients arrived as I was showering. 

Eventually the therapist showed up, and I went in to see her. She looked very different than she did 20 years ago. Not older, just different. She’d just returned from some big trip and was carrying luggage and various tourist-y items she had bought while away.

The dream ended then—we didn’t actually get into the session, and I do not know why I was there, what the issue was I wanted to discuss. 

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