Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Life coach needed

Yeah, I need a life coach, i.e., someone to help me get motivated.

This person could help me find a job that will pay me enough to get by but also something I can stand to do and not feel like I’m actively destroying the world or assisting people’s self-destructive habits.

This person could help me exercise. I can’t afford a gym membership, but we could find some at home program that wouldn’t require the purchase of equipment. And this person would exercise with me or coach me through it, etc. In the past, when I have done some kind of exercise at home, it’s always been with no clothing. I guess I wouldn’t have to do it that way, but it is what I’m used to. If this life-coach were okay with it, that’d be great.

This person could help me find some friends that I might actually see regularly and spend time with. This person might even help me find a mate—not necessarily a “soul-mate”, just someone who likes me and whom I like enough to be with and see where that goes.

I cannot pay this life coach in money, as I don’t have any. I suppose if this person were wildly successful in the life-coaching of me, I would eventually be able to pay them. But if this person were a musician, I could offer accompanying/coaching or some original song or instrumental composition written for him or her.

(Back when I lived in New York City, I did a show with a woman who was a personal trainer. We had talked about arranging a barter of coaching for training. But it never happened. I left the city right after that show; I went back only for a month or so a year later, and didn’t get back in touch with her.)

If this person were an actor, I could offer a monologue or two.

If this person were a choreographer I could write music for a dance they might create.

If this person wanted to do some modeling, I could offer my time and talent as a photographer.

Heck, I might even be willing to do some house-cleaning or balance a checkbook. 

Whatever. I need help. I’ve been unable or unwilling to help myself, so clearly I need some outside guidance. 

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