Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nude House

If you regularly read (& by “read” I mean read, not just look at pictures) this blog you may’ve read before that I’ve come to the point where ideas aren’t coming so easily.
So I occasionally look online for news or other ideas that might pertain to this blog. Well, I found something today. It’s not new news, but it’s certainly new to me and perhaps to you as well.

There's an office in Syndey, Australia where everyone is naked all day. It's a requirement. They hire naturists. It’s on their website. Prospective employees know this before their (naked) interview.

Now, I think the idea is great. It’s a place where naturists can be themselves at work. Awesome.

If were inclined to work in an office, and I lived in Sydney, then I’d certainly consider applying.
I checked out the company’s websiteIt’s called “Nude House”.
They do computer software and sales. Their main program allows you to attach to a picture all kinds of "pop-up" info: text, links, other pictures, whatever. It seems legit.

But there’s a problem. Or two.

Problem #1: There are a few pictures on the company website. Okay, it makes sense that a company would have office environment pictures.
The pictures do not seem to have the attached pop-up info, which I would think they should, that being the company's major product. But you can “click to enlarge” the photos. There are three pictures, and they’re all pictures of women. Here are links:

...and here’s the biggest part of problem one (don’t say I didn’t warn you):

What the fuck!!!???
That is not "naturism". Clearly, that's porn.

As far as I can tell, the “demonstration photo” is something all applicants have to submit along with their CV. But if this is non-sexual naturism, then why is that kind of photo on their site? And why is it all women in the pictures?

Problem #2: According to the website, women don’t come in to work during their period. Okay, if everyone is really cool with nudity and bodies and all that jazz, then why do women have to stay home from work while having their period? It strikes me as a very Old Testament policy. Why not say when you’re having your period, you can wear panties? Apparently that would go against the all nude, all the time policy. 
If it's something else, any experienced naturists out there want to explain that to me?

So, as I said, I think the idea is great. I'm a little suspicious about the execution.
I'm also a little suspicious of this dude and his sort of creepy photo:

Nude House founder, Chris Taylor

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